Ryne Byassee is the youngest by far of the Outcast BMX Crew. At just 19 years of age, Ryne has shown endless potential in his progression and passion for BMX. He has recently seen his platform grow exponentially with opportunities to share his faith through his bike riding.
At the age of 11, Ryne gave his life to Jesus and made a decision to continually fight to put aside his selfish desires and grow in his relationship with God. His pursuit in riding has afforded him the chance to travel all around the country and meet like-minded BMX Riders who use their riding to share the gospel.
Ryne knows very well that there is a ton of pressure on this young generation to do things that are contrary to the best that God has for us. And on the flipside, there's also an unrealistic expectation for believers to "have it all together" all of the time. Acknowledging the difficulty of following God in this young generation, Ryne wants to be a good influence on all of those he comes into contact with, and desires to encourage his peers to live differently and be set apart for the Lord.
In addition to riding for Outcast BMX, Ryne is currently touring with Team Self Destruct, a Skate & BMX Ministry/Lifestyle Brand that he has been heavily involved with since he was only 16 years old.